devlog 3

today’s a simple one. particles used to look like this:

a screenshot of a pixel, surrounded by a black outline

now they look like this:

a screenshot of a pixel, notably not surrounded by a black outline

I separated the background+objects, particles, and foreground tiles into seperate layers, then applied the outline only to the background+object and foreground layer. in my opinion, this looks much nicer, much less distracting. particles don’t look like they disappear in 2 seconds anymore either.

enjoy the first video on this website.

I had my friend play through the game again and she figured it out much faster (thanks to the power of wasd controls and level design lol). I got to watch her skip past most of everything because she figured out how to mid-air long jump very quickly. this is the correct way to play.

she did suggest making the player faster. this is troubling to say the least. nova currently has a max walk speed of 2 pixels/frame, but the next integer is 3 pixels/frame, which I think is far too fast, especially for the levels I’ve already made. decimal speeds (like 2.5 p/f) aren’t an option in my opinion.

I think the slow walk speed works in the games favor. if you don’t have a dash available to move faster than it, you’ve already made some mistakes along the way, there’s never many situations where you wouldn’t have a dash, unless you’re playing stupidly. we’ll see.